
This page contains information about the accessibility features of this site, including levels of conformity to industry standards, how to use this site, useful links and resources and the option to give feedback.
It is our intention to continue to make this site as accessible as possible and to enable people to make the most out of it.

Conformity with Industry Standards

Compliance with relevant industry standards is an integral part of creating a functional and accessible website. As a result, the pages on this site adhere to World Wide Web. It also complies, as far possible, with the recognised Web Content Accessibility Standards set out by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative. All pages are Level A compliant which means that users should find it impossible to access their content.

Accessibility Features

This site has been developed to ensure content is available to the widest possible audience; including readers using assistive technology (such as screen-readers) or accessibility features.
We use CSS for visual layout. For optimal viewing, it is recommended that you use a browser with CSS2+ support. If your browser or browsing device does not support style sheets, the content of each page will still be readable.

All pages use structured semantic markup. For example, H1 is used for main page headings and H2 for subsequent section headings within each web page.

All text uses relative font sizes so text can be enlarged or reduced using the text size options available in visual browsers.

All content images used include descriptive ALT attributes.

Alternative Media

Where possible, we have provided alternative images for computers without flash installed. If you experience any problem viewing this website without flash please contact us.

Feedback and Queries

Should you experience any difficulty in finding the information you require in the appropriate format, or if you have questions or problems with accessing our site, please contact us.